CCNA Routing with IPv6


Chapter #1 – Static Routing

IPv6 routing is very similar to IPv4. On a Cisco router, start by enabling ‘ipv6 unicast’

Then, you can just use the ‘ipv6 route’ command to add static routes. ::/0 is the default route.

Use ‘show ipv6 route’ to show the routing table. Keep in mind that this is a different routing table to IPv4. They are independent of each other.

If you want, you can configure ‘unnumbered’ interfaces. These interfaces use link-local addresses only. All you have to do is enable IPv6 on the interface (ipv6 enable), and then the router will add a link-local address.

Chapter #2 – OSPFv3

OSPFv2 is IPv4 only. OSPFv3 can handle both IPv4 and IPv6. The basics of OSPFv3 are the same as OSPFv2. There are just a few differences in configuration.

The older way to configure OSPFv3 is with ‘ipv6 router ospf <process>’. This method is IPv6 only. The newer method is ‘router ospfv3 <process>’. This can be used with IPv4 or IPv6. Where there is a difference in configuration between the two, address-families are used. An address family just refers to different protocols, such as IPv4 and IPv6. Some routing protocols can carry more address families than just these two.

Command Summary

ipv6 route <prefix> <next-hop>ConfigurationCreate a static route
ipv6 route ::/0 <next-hop>ConfigurationCreate a default route
ipv6 route <prefix> <next-hop> <metric>ConfigurationCreate a floating static route
show ipv6 routeGlobal ExecShow the IPv6 routing table
router ospfv3 <process-id>ConfigurationConfigure/Start the OSPFv3 process
ipv6 ospf <process-id> area <area>Interface ConfigurationAdd the interface to an OSPFv3 area
address-family ipv6 unicastOSPFv3 configurationEdit the IPv6 unicast settings